Welcome to BioCarbonDynamics


This project began in response to an environmental crisis: the arrival of sargassum seaweed on the beaches of the Riviera Maya in Mexico. Sargassum infests the beautiful beaches, turning the turquoise blue water into dark brown and foul-smelling.

This area has some of the best tourist industries and billions of dollars in investment, all of which are now at risk of forever disappearing.

The problem began in 2011 and grew exponentially. By 2018, the beaches were clogged with pestilent and dead sargassum, while the usually blue waters turned into a brown soup, and the coral was turning white and oof course we thought it was bad, but now in 2023 it grew to even bigger size

The government was unprepared to handle the threat. Mexico purchased four ships, but they were only able to capture a fraction of one percent of the sargassum, enough to protect only some of the tourist beaches, but doing so, it created another problem, what to do with the pestilent mass.

Even if 100% of the sargassum is captured, the problem of the decomposing mass persists and is an environmental problem in itself because it decomposes and contaminates water sources.

At the same time, the global warming is evident now and the scientific community in Paris, gave a ominous dictamen, we need to stop dumping CO2 to the atmosphere and start retiring 10 Giga Ton of CO2 per year till 2050 just to limit the increase in temperature from 6 to 2 Celsius degrees.

At the same time, the goal of XPRIZE CARBON REMOVAL, initiative of the Elon Musk Foundation, was created to demonstrate how to capture 1 billion tons of CO2 per year from the environment, stabilize it for 100 years or more, to restrict global warming to only 2 degrees by 2050.

When we discovered that both problems were related, we compared and found that sargassum captures CO2 from the ocean's surface in massive quantities because 81% of its biomass is composed of CO2. In 2021, the biomass was 37 million tons, while in 2030, by polynomial extrapolation, we infer it will be 145 million tons.

If BiocarbonDynamics remove all the biomass, we will be removing 27.635 billion tons of CO2 from the environment in 2021 and 108.3 million tons of CO2 in 2030, a method that is a clear candidate to win that scientific competition.

At the same time, we will be addressing the problem of global warming, addressed by the Paris Agreement.


To evaluate the problem magnitude of capturing 10 billion tons (10,000´000,000 tons) of CO2, consider that the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt weighs only 6.5 million tons. We need to capture CO2 that weighs the same as 1,538 Pyramids of Khufu, store that mass for 100 years, do it every year for 30 years, and do it as cheaply as possible. THAT IS THE GOAL.

This is not an easy goal, and some say it is an impossible goal, so massive that we think building giant machines to capture CO2 is the impossible part of the problem, not the goal in itself.

Anyway, it is also only half the problem because then we must safely store it for 100 years.

Building enormous machines to capture it from the atmosphere or the sea would be an extremely expensive endeavor for any country or union, and it would be repeating the how nature does the same task, as Nature does it with sargassum, storing CO2 in its biomass, then sending it to the depths of the ocean to be hidden for a thousand years. Therefore, the solution and our giant machine for capturing CO2 is sargassum itself.

The sargassum seaweed is a massive CO2 capture machine that can double its capacity in just 18 days at no cost, maintenance, labor, or energy consumption other than what it captures from the sun. There is no fuel involved, only the nutrients we are currently dumping into rivers.

Nature also removes CO2 in this way when it needs to, but the problem arises because the sargassum removes double the amount of oxygen atoms in CO2, and when it stores it in the depths of the ocean, it depletes the oxygen in the sea and air, causing the death of all marine species. Therefore, we cannot rely solely on nature's methods, at least not exactly.


However, we better have the intelligence and technology to solve this problem, because we do not want to passively move towards extinction. We cannot fail because if we do, the climate will change in a way that could mimic what happened 400 million years ago, where 85% of species did not survive the changes. It all started with global warming and then a bloom of algae that depleted the ocean's oxygen. Now, we are just beginning that process.


Fortunately, we have discovered a solution to all these problems. Satellite images from NASA show that the algae bloom begins in Africa, specifically in Sierra Leone's Shebro River delta, where a large amount of nutrients is being discharged into the ocean. At the same time, the US Geological Survey points to a worsening situation in West Africa, where over 80% of the Upper Guinea Forest was lost in the first 75 years of the 20th century, and deforestation continues to convert land for agriculture using fertilizers that end up in the ocean and are transported north by ocean currents.

The nutrients from deforested areas and agricultural lands, together with minerals from the Saharan desert, create the perfect storm for sargassum to bloom and double its biomass every 18 days. It grows exponentially each year at the same rate as deforestation.

If we do not stop it, it will continue until it clogs the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the North Atlantic Ocean, turning the entire ocean into a pestilent brown soup without oxygen. This will ultimately result in the end of all marine life, followed by the human race that caused global warming and of course, the tourist trade will die.

"Sargassum" is a problem, but it is also a solution to some of our problems, as it is composed of 81.850% polymers and 53.23% by weight of CO2 is carbon and oxygen. When sargassum is removed from the environment, the CO2 is also removed. It is gigantic CO2 capture machine.


Storing CO2 is not easy, as it has to be stored outside of the ocean and atmosphere, and it has to remain secure for 100 years or more. Such large quantities of mass are impossible to hide, bury, compress, or fill an enormous hole with. If you want to hide something so huge, you must do it in plain sight and preferably in something valuable.


We will convert sargassum into plastic by hydro-de-polymerization and then rearrange the monomers into useful and sellable polymers. By converting it into plastic, we capture the CO2 safely, and the plastic can serve us for those 100 years or more.

We only need to recycle it 99.9% instead of the 5% we recycle today, and this will lead to global education for all.

Together, we need to accept that we cannot throw away plastics, whether single-use or permanent. All plastics have to be recycled, and that is the only way to save ourselves because the Earth will survive anyway with or without us, as it has for the past 400 million years.


To remain alive on this planet, we need to control ourselves, recognize and adapt to the new conditions we have created, learn how and then manipulate the climate to our advantage. When we do so, we will have control for the first time.

The other problem is creating a permanent entity above politics and borders. To achieve this, we must turn all of this into a business, because it is the only way to keep doing it for over 100 years, and that is what we will do.

It seems that when humanity faces extinction, using our intelligence is what will save us together with technology, and with it, we may find a path to survive, of course if we use it.


Technology, is providing us with a way to continue growing limitlessly, but we can no longer exploit it without destroying our planet, we need to find a way to do it some other way and technology at the right time is providing us with a way out.

Technology that converts CO2 into starch, and then into food, plastics, or biofuels, provides us with a way to grow without harming nature. We can eat directly from CO2 and build our technology without destroying plants.

However, we must adapt and change our ways in time to avoid perishing, which could happen within just 30 years. This is our species' historic moment to pass the extinction test.

Can we change, or will we be one of the millions of species that didn't survive because we couldn't adapt? We must stop destroying nature, hunting its animals, and disposing of our technological products om mature, such as plastics.

We need to become a species that recycles everything we produce without polluting our planet or others.


Now, we can collect CO2 to eat on any space rock and become a species that can eat in space.

However, we still need plants to breathe and to create a beautiful home full of companion species. By capturing the sargassum, turning it in to plastics and selling the plastic we can start planting Kiri trees, we can remove 1,000 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere per 50x50 km lot of trees, and after seven years, we can cut the trees and inject plastic in to the wood, to create a new construction material that lasts for 100 years.


Now, we need to take action to respond to this question. We can no longer simply talk and continue to destroy nature because we earn money by doing so, while the rest only talks and receives money.

Biocarbon Dynamics has the solution, and we will finance it by starting to collect all the seaweed. Then, with the profits, we will plant the trees necessary to solve all the aforementioned problems.


This solution will not cost anyone anything, and we will not ask governments for money. However, we need all humans cooperation, educated or not, rich and poor, to start recycling all the plastic we create. If we do not do this, plastic itself will become our enemy.

We also need to stop destroying animals and plants so they can keep capturing CO” and liberate oxygen in to the atmosphere.

We cannot do this alone; we need the cooperation of all humans. Believing that rhino horn powder is good for us is killing us all. We need to control our beliefs and adopt those compatible with nature conservation.

We need to change, but we need to include everyone, not just intellectuals. People in low-income areas of the world also need to change, and they will not change if we do not provide them with a decent way to make a living without destroying the earth to eat and keep warm.

They may be far away from us, but they are the guardians of our climate, air, and water. Therefore, we need to work together to find solutions that benefit everyone, regardless of their socio-economic status. It is time for us to act, to take responsibility, and to work together for the sake of our planet and future generations.

"It is not the strongest, nor the most intelligent of the species the one that survives, it is the one that adapt better to changing conditions".

Charles Darwin.

BioCarbonDynamics has a full feacibility study and mathematical calculations on every part of the solution, we are not only talk, we are numbers and scientific method, with peer review by the formal institutional scientific comunity.



Rafael Muñoz Martinez. - CEO

Rafael Alejandro Muñoz Pérez. - Administration and finances.

Dr. Ing. Daniel Martinez Bazua.-  Technical and scientific adviser.

Mag. Lic. Miguel Angel Turlay Guerrero   Legal advisor

Mirza Elizabeth Muñoz Perez  Business relations and visual arts.

Haydee Verónica Nava Vázquez  Public and environmental relations

Agustín Sánchez  Ing. Automatization, electronics and robotics

Ing Gabriel Martinez Portilla    systems and  webmaster

Ing. Uriel Merlin Saldaña

Chemical eng.